2 July 2020

Amazing co incidents in history

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Amazing co-incidents in history !!!

Yes in this post we are gonna see about amazing co-incidents in history , that will shock you 🤯🤯🤯

10 Crazy Coincidences That Are Hard To Believe | The Fact Site

You can't believe these co incidents easily so listen carefully .......

1. Man who escaped from two plane crashes.....

Think if you have booked a ticket to fly abrod and for some reason your are late for the flight , you come back home with anger . Now at the news plays that the flight you have booked had a crash .....
How do you feel ?

Yes , this as really happen to a man MAARTEN DE JONGE a cyclist . That too twice ...... 
First time he escaped because he was late for the fight and that malasian flight he booked was crashed while flying itself . Another he by mistake ordered for a costly flight and then he cancelled and booked for a low priced flight . Now the miracle has happen and the miracle is the flight cancelled due to high price has been crashed .

Amazing co incidents in history

2. An astronomer death.......

49 years old , south african astronomer  DANIE DU TOIT . That day he was giving a lecture about the death is uncertain , it can occur anywhere and any time . After giving that lectuer he put a chocolate on to his mouth and as it was his bad time . The choclate he put on to his mouth got stuck on his throat and he was unable to breath and after sometime he died due to this reason ..... Like he said death can occur anywhere and anyway he became an example for it.........

Amazing co incidents in history

3.Man who saved a baby twice......

While JOSEPH FIGLOCK was passing by a house a heavy particle fell from that house . And the particle fell on him and when saw what was that it a baby ! . How ever as the baby fell on him the escaped from death ... After that he gave the baby to their parents and asked them to keep the baby safe anymore . After that incident , he went back . Similarly after one year when he crossed the same house the same again fell on him ..... This was miracle in his life and it should be a amazing co incident in history .

Amazing co incidents in history

OK come lets go to the next coincident ......

4. Enzo ferrari and Mesut ozil .......

The founder of ferrari ENZO FERRARI died in the year 1988 august and in the same year after one month that is october 15 , MESUT OZIL was born and he also become a famous german football player . Thats not the matter , if we compare both of their photos they look prefectly one . So people say that Enzo ferrari was reborn as Mesut ozil ....

Amazing co incidents in history

5. Hitler and Napoleon.....

Yes Hitler and Napoleon as very good unity among them . The unity among them is that Hitler was born exactlly after 129 years of Napoleon's birth and similarly after 129 years of Napoleon attack on Russia, Hitler attacked Russia . And if we think it would stop here it doesn't , exactly after Napoleon was defeated Hitler was also defeated ....

Amazing co incidents in history

What a 129 year relationship.....

Lets move on to next ,

6. Exploding church incident ....

In Nebraska town , America there is a church . In this church 15 people past at 7.20pm this was happening as a daily routine . When this was happening as a routine , on march 1 1950 the church was exploded . But luckily on that day those 15 people who past daily  have arrived late on that  day due to some reason . They were escaped from the exploding ......

7. Hugh williams ....

Dover strait , this place is normally a terrific place because there will be powerful waves anytime we see that to in rainy season the ships should arrive to this place if it arrives there the ship will not go back from there . In 1763 a ship arrived at Dover stait and it sinked too... and the people in that ship died only person who escaped from it was Hugh williams . Similarly in 1767 this happens for the second time and again the person named Hugh williams escaped from it . And in 1820 a ship sinks in Thames river all the people in the ship died but agin the person named Hugh williams escapes . And again near Germany in ocean a ship crashes in this crash 2 persons named Hugh williams escapes .

8. The titanic....

We all know the titanic was sinked due to crashing to a ice rock . But would you belive if this was already written in a novel before 15 years of this incident . Yes it was already written by a writer named MORGAN ROBERTSON wrote a novel named Futility or the wreck of the titan . In that novel he would have written about a ship sinking . That to the ship which sinks in that novel was titan , in this novel too... the ship sinks in the ocean due to ice brick ... That too in that novel he has written that the ship is "Unsinkable " like wise mentioned in the titanic ship . I think he would known this incident before 15 years 😄😄 .

Not only that this novel was also re-released after this incident.......

9. American twins ...

In America , a twins met by some reason . And they were shocked to see this and when they started talking about themselves , many truth came out that is both of their name was James and both had the same proffesion . And for both first marriage ended up in divorce and both have married for second time , their first wife's name was also same that is Linda and the name of the second wife is also similar Betty . WhAT ?🤯🤯 .
Both were smokers , Both were using savorit car , their son's name was James allan which was same for both . Are you thinking it will stop here no , their dog's name was also simirlar called Toy .

We are at end .
If you think I'am lying go and check this out in google ......

Share this to your friends and let them know about this co incidents .........



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