4 June 2020

Are we in simulation ?

Are we in simulation; simulation; we are in sumulation;

Are we in simulation ?

The topic we are gonna see in todays post can't be understood easily , so read carefully .

Our technology of sparking fire from a stone as now developed until finding  technology of recording our own dreams . From there we are come here and the technology from there to here as only one reason why? .
Today we are gonna why it can't be like this......?.

Are we in simulation


Simulation , the word itself looks different . I'll say you a example , the planet next to us is mars will potato grow in mars to find that our scientist simulated like a mars . scientists calculated mars gravity , oxygen level , sunlight power etc..... and simulated a small closed room likewise in mars and tried to grow potato and the potato grew . 

Are we in simulation

What i am saying is , creating a place which is not really exist using technology and facts is known as simulation . Another example is video games , all video games are simulation as we control a character on a non-existing land , kill others , survive , which donot really exist ... like wise in PUBG . In PUBG editors have simulated a character , land , weapon , vest , dresses , shoes and many more ... I saw a article that is the whole world a simulation ? after seeing that article I thought thats crazy but after reading it briefly I thought I should make a post on this topic . This topic got a boom when the founder of telsa car and space x Elon musk said that we all live in a simulation and we are all a characters of a video game .

Are we in simulation
Elon Musk

When he had a question that why do you believe in this ? Before twenty years a dot was chased by line that was known as snake game but after 20 years that is now we can play high-end graphic and 3d games . If we see games now a days we can't say which is real and which is vfx then after 200 years after 2000 years what will be our technology . If we had a doubt that how would have humans lived before 1000 years , we can know it by reading some articles but if we wanna know h  technology was ; We can simulate thier own technology and experience their technology before 1000 years... So people who belive in this theory say that we already live in simulation . Hearing this you
may think they are crazy but but but it may be true. 
People who belive in this theory ask some questions , see if you can answer those ;


1. we can see a baby in its womb by our technology , but where it will be before that ?

2. where we will be before birth and where will we go after death ?

3. We all know how is our body formed but , how is our soul formed ?

4. How a soul gets into our body ? 

5. From where it came ?

6. where will it go after death ?

No one could answer it .

Is our soul exist as a part in our body , can we identify it seperately ?

Scientists have done a experiment , that is they weighed a body before few minutes of death and after his death . They calculated these both weights and they have found that soul weighs 21grams .

Are we in simulation
Another theory which is belived by many is that after death we come through all our happenings in life just for a 7 seconds . In some video games we can see that after death our actions in that particular game will be played in slow motion . After I heard this I had a question and you will also have it , if we are living in a simulation why we can't realize that we are in simulation ? why its so all realistic ? 
When these questions were asked to Elon musk , he said  , Yes I can't feel we are in simulation as the character in the video games too... do not know that they are in simulation they to feel realistic .

OK , lets goto the next topic .

Dream vu?

We get many dreams and which can't be assumed why it comes ? how it comes? No one knows about it , some say that the things we do when we are awake comes as dream at night . For example I have ever seen a snake in my life but I got dreams like some snake chasing , snake biting me . Even when I slept happily , I have got dreams that makes panic like tiger chasing etc....
After that I came to a decision that the things which happen when we are awake and the dream is not related .

Are we in simulation

Think , if you have seen a wall clock , wrist watch or other time seeing object , NO you wouldn't have as no one had time seeing objects in their dream . Similar to that no one had a dream like reading newspaper , books , messages etc... And on one had a dream starting with opening a door , exit from a house etc...As we see in movies . 
If we keep dreams apart , there is a thing known as DEJA VU suddenly when we are riding a bicycle , opening a door ,while climbing stairs you can notice that it has already happended to me sometime ago . I have also had same experience and majority of you have felt the same . How will this happen ?Theres no chance to happen like this AS we are living the moment for the first time how we feel already it has happen once before . 

Are we in simulation
Experiencing the Unexperienced

People who believe in simulation theory say that DEJA VU is a glitch . Glitch means when we play games we experience bugs like when running stucks suddenly and running in the same place , can't move etc.... These bugs are known as glitch . If our life is a simulation the glitch in our life is known as DEJA VU

Ok the third thing is MIND VOICE .


Our body has three thing Brain , Heart , Mind  . We have already seen Brain and Heart , what is Mind? . Where is soul in our body ? Actually the mind voice is the voice of the person who created our simulation is the belief of the people who belive in the simulation theory .Because till now NO one has found it full brains image , what is in the brain? , what all parts it as? , which operation processes where ? . This is the reason why coma patients can't be treated , even if we have many specialized doctors , we can't find which part in the brain is damaged and which area should be operated this is the reason why coma patient can't be treated .
If we see our memory card it contains many chips where the data is stored but our brain is only made of flesh how it can store data , memories ? . Our brain performs 100 crores of work per second .

Are we in simulation

The latest super computer that we have found can't even perform 2% of work our brain does . Because our brain was given to us by people who are well advanced in technology 100000 times more than our technology that we are using now . Thats the reason why we can't find what is in our brain . Answer to this will be found when we find that how can a flesh do so much of work . 
We can hear a voice in our brain but we can't relate it to brain as when we are riding a motor cycle brain gives commands like accelerate now , apply brake . But the commands be careful , don't crash , go slow , will be heard in our mind we call that mind voice but as we already discussed where is mind? For example if we create a robot we can program that it should do like make it walk , run , dance etc..... But voice command should be given by us similarly the voice of the creator who created this simulation is that our mind voice .

Last and final thing is that ,


We humans do all the experiment on rats , the rats will be kept in the incubator . Incubator means giving the rat the temperature it needs , food , water and then research what they need and finally find what the result .
In this universe there many planets but why particularly earth as gravity , oxygen , water , temperature , getting required temperature even if the sun is too.. hot , plants going mud has all this . So this earth must be a incubator .

Are we in simulation

At night we can see millions of stars in the sky there is no end for it . How many stars are present? How far is it from earth? How to reach there? Will it be same as earth there too?...Or will it be different ? NO one can find answer for it . Even if we have a huge technology we can't go after a boundary like In some of the modes in PUBG like TDM the player can't go after a zone if we try to the player will be running in the same place . Similarly the space is the zone/boundary of our life created by our simulation creator .

So this is the Simulation theory , which i have read in a article ........

Plese share this with your friends and let them also know about the simulation theory .

Thank You 🎔♥️ and Cheers 👊


Author & Editor



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