5 June 2020

Superstitions explained

Superstitions explained

Indian superstitious beliefs explained .... ?

In INDIA we can come across many superstitious which will no logic ever. The only question that arrives in our mind when hearing all these belief is WHY?

Superstitions explained

In this post, we are gonna find the answer for those superstitions ...... ๐Ÿ’ก

1. Pouring milk to snakes...๐Ÿ

Those days there was a long-distance between houses. So the house was surrounded by plants, trees, bushes, etc..... As today we have death rate high due to accidents those days death rate was high due to snake bites. 
So people those days would keep egg near the snake borrows/huts because only if a snake is hungry, it would come out to search for food if the food is already provided it wouldn't come searching for food and it would reduce the death rate...
And pouring milk is because in some months snakes start reproducing. This only takes place because of the female snakes smell so in order to divert the male snake people would pour milk on it...
This has now become a superstition.

Superstitions explained

2. Not to broom after sunset...

In India, we used mud lamps for light in houses those days if we broom our house after sunset, the valuable things that are fallen without our sense may be lost and the broomstick may get fired as we used mud lamp ..... So those days, people tried not to broom after sunset...

Superstitions explained

3.Not to hair cut on tuesdays.....

In 90's and 20's many indians were farmers , They used to work all the days in a week and rest on Monday . They used to clean their house on Mondays and even the would cut their hair on Monday . So the barber would rest for tuesday and announce a leave to the barber shops on tuesdays because people cut their hairs only on Mondays . This is the reason why people say not to cut hair on tuesdays.

Superstitions explained

4.Bathing after visiting a funeral.....

This has no important explanation , it is only because that the diseases from the dead body should spread to us . As those days many people would die due to remarkable diseases and there will be no medicine to stop it .This a now become a superstition.....

Watch Your Water: The Harmful Effects of Bathing in Hard Water

5.It is a bad sign if a cat crosses your way......

In many witchworks cats were used a testing animal as we use rats for experiments now a days . So they say it is bad sign if a cat crosses your way ...

Superstitions explained

6.Every house should have a Basil plant(thulsi)......

The medicinal facts about this plant is well known . And it is also a antibiotic plant , it can cure cold and cough , it can also produce immunity power if we eat it , it can also make us to be away from insects and snakes too... So this is the reson why people say every house should have a basil plant ....

Superstitions explained

7.Should eat food sitting on floor....

If we sit down on floor and eat , it helps to digest food easily and it also increases digestion power . It is also to respect the food as rice and vegetables grow from soil......

Superstitions explained

8. Hanging lemon before houses.....

This hang a lemon was started in order to make a first aid for snakes bite . 

We are at end . 
I hope you understood meaning behind these beliefs ......

Share this with your friends and let them know these facts....



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