14 July 2020

Top 10 science mysteries

Top 10 science mysteries

Top 10 science mysteries ....

Yes today we are gonna see about some of the science mysteries .

In twenty first century science as been grown up to this level but even it as grown up so much it can't answer some questions today we are gonna see those questions ...

Top 10 science mysteries

1.SLEEP 😴😴

At first we are gonna see about sleep , if you ask scientists that why do we sleep ? 100% I bet no one can answer . Yes we know some things about sleep that is , our body is being repaired while we sleep , we need sleep to rest our body ... Let's keep all sort aside and think why for some people 6 hours of sleep is sufficient ? for some even 8 hours isn't sufficient ? and some sleep 12 to 13 hours ? If we ask these to science there will be no answer . 

Ok lets move to animals first giraffe world's tallest animal is giraffe but it sleeps only 30 mins a day , elephants sleep just 3 hours a day , humans sleeps 6 to 8 hours averagely . Why does it differ ? 

So science has no answer for these questions why sleeping hours differ from person to person ? And why does it vary from animal to animal ? These questions are still mystery ...

Top 10 science mysteries

2.Gravitational pull 

As we all know Newton is the founder of the gravity . All scientists know what is gravity ?
using this they have found formula's and how much of force it as etc..... BUT no one can answer What is the functionality of it ? and How does it work ? Why is it only prensent in earth ? Why isn't it in other planets ?  . We are still understanding the present but can't find more about it . Just think we need gravitation to even sit or stand . If gravity doesn't exist we will be floting like this....

Top 10 science mysteries

3.Planet 🌏

They say that this Universe can be measured only using Light year . The earth we are living is just a small dot/point in the whole universe . Why we can only live here ? Why can't we encounter(see) living being in other planet ? The existence of aliens is a true fact because as we live here some creatures can be living the other planets too.... But if we ask scientists why haven't we seen them yet ? they can't answer . The chances of living being present in other planets have maximum oppurtunites . 
Why can't we have contact with them ? 

Top 10 science mysteries

4. First living being 

No scientist have an idea about how was the first life formed . How it as evolved to this extent ? How Andriond phone / pc your in which you are reading , house which we live have evolved the same we have also evolved . But only thing that we have extra than that is consiousness that is if someone calls your name you know that is you and you'll respond to it and we have a life . But how did this life formed for the first time ? No one can answer .

5.  Tsunami 🌊

This topic will be more interesting . For today , that is we are at 21st century even though the world as developed for a maximum extent . Science can't answer why tsunami occurs ? why earthquake occurs ? Even though they say that it occurs due to the vibration of tectonic plates they can't answer why does it vibrate ? And why does it vibrate at that particular time ?

Top 10 science mysteries


Think many sort of migrating  animals which mitgrates from country to country and continent to continent . For example a Australian bird arrives India in summer season and for the next season it moves to middle east then it continues....
If we wanna migrate from continent to continent we use map to migrate but how does animals migrate ?  The Cholas have migrated from Tamil nadu to Malaysia , Indonesia . But between these continent their is a ocean , now it will be easy to migrate but at that time they used Sea tortoise to migrate from one place to another . To do this they used to bring a tortoise from Malaysia first then they would even take a tortoise of Tamil nadu then , the Malaysian tortoise will be tied with a rope on it and will be let in ocean the tortoise will correctly migrate to Malaysia as it's nest will be there . And to come back from there they used the Tamil nadu tortoise ........
But how does it migrate is still a mystery ???

Top 10 science mysteries

7. Dark matter 

As we all know this whole universe is made up of Dark matter . But what is the black space between planets and between earth and moon ? Science has no answer for it .

Top 10 science mysteries


Yes no science can answer does god exist . If  you ask a scientist that does god exist ? they say i don't know but no one answer no god doesnot exist .

Top 10 science mysteries


Why we are yawning ? does any one has answer . Even science can't answer . Another thing about yawning is yawning is contagious if you see me yawning you too will feel like yawning ... why is it contagious ? this is a simple topic but very interesting ...

Top 10 science mysteries

10. Black Hole 

What is a black hole ? think our sun is a star right , like wise in the universe there are crores of stars . when these stars end up life it becomes a black hole as its gravitational pull will be maximum to the stars . when a star gets bursted and ends its life , then a black hole forms . What is in the black hole no science can answer . This black hole is responsible for the time travel too... If we enter the black hole we can time travel .

We are at end .
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